Devajna Gopal
The Queen's College
Materials Science
Dear OFS Members,
We are thrilled to be embarking on what promises to be an exciting term for OFS. Our speaker series this term promises valuable insight into the state of the industry and how to forge successful careers from some true leaders in the field today. In addition, we are continuing to build out our careers programme so that any OFS member is equipped with the tools to break into finance; keep an eye out for new resources and speaker events alongside our mentorship programme development pro and new ways of connecting with OFS’s alumni network.
We remain unambiguously committed to all of OFS’s offerings being free for all students, ensuring that everyone can facilitate a future career in finance. Our sponsors are imperative in helping realise our overarching mission. We are incredibly proud to have partnerships with some of the leading firms in the industry, often benefitting our members through recruiting events, too. Please do get in touch if you seek to build out your firm's recruiting capability at Oxford - we’d love to help.
Finally, we appreciate our committee's effort thus far, and we invite every OFS member to take full advantage of the available opportunities. We welcome your suggestions on how we can enhance our services for both members and sponsors.
Thank you all, and we look forward to a splendidly successful Trinity Term!
Best wishes,
Devajna Gopal and Kush Mahawar
OFS Presidents Trinity Term 2025

Kush Mahawar
Pembroke College
What We do

For our Members:
Create a platform to listen to some of the most influential figures within the world of finance
Establish a window into the financial world and equip them with the skills and contacts necessary to build successful financial careers
Bring together like-minded students from across the university with a common interest in the financial sector
For our Sponsors:
Provide a platform upon which our sponsor-firms can be promoted amongst students at Oxford University.
Raise the quality of applicants through the events and workshops that we run, while giving our sponsor firms access to these candidates.
College representatives
Name | College |
Amrutha Nandakumar | Brasenose |
Aditya Kulkarni | Brasenose |
Darius Rahimifard | Corpus Christi |
Miina Hayashi | Exeter |
Ujval Sidhu-Brar | Harris Manchester |
Pablo Peña Chapa | Jesus |
Emily Stobart | Jesus |
Anya Mahajan | Keble |
Nicolas Van Zyl Smit | Keble |
Tatiana Yan | Lady Margaret Hall |
Alexandre Vecchioli | Lincoln |
Zhentao Zhou | Magdalen |
Xavier Davis | Magdalen |
Leyya Seedat | Merton |
Elias Ahmadi | Oriel |
Madeleine Brown | Pembroke |
Theo Ladure | Peters |
Bryan Marville | St Anne's |
Oliver Dingle | St Catherine's |
Jyothi Pallavaram | St Hilda's |
Oscar Chen | St. Edmund Hall |
Thomas Yeadon | University |
Antigone Miller | Wadham |